
How To Remove A Driver From USAA Auto Insurance

How To Remove A Driver From USAA Auto Insurance

USAA Auto Insurance is a popular choice for many individuals and families due to its excellent coverage options and customer service. However, there may come a time when you need to remove a driver from your policy. Whether it’s due to a change in circumstances or a driver’s record, understanding the process of removing a driver from USAA Auto Insurance can help you navigate this situation smoothly. In this article, we will guide you through the steps involved in removing a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy.

1. Assess the Reason for Removing the Driver

Before proceeding with the removal process, it’s essential to assess the reason behind your decision. Some common reasons for removing a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy include:

  • The driver has moved out of your household
  • The driver has purchased their own vehicle and insurance policy
  • The driver has a poor driving record or multiple accidents
  • The driver is no longer licensed to drive

Understanding the reason will help you determine the appropriate steps to take and ensure you comply with USAA’s policies.

2. Review Your Policy

Take the time to review your USAA Auto Insurance policy to understand the terms and conditions regarding driver removal. Familiarize yourself with any specific requirements or limitations that may apply. This will help you navigate the process more effectively and avoid any potential issues.

3. Contact USAA Customer Service

Once you have assessed the reason for removing the driver and reviewed your policy, it’s time to contact USAA’s customer service. You can reach them through their website, mobile app, or by phone. Explain your situation and provide the necessary details, such as the driver’s name, date of birth, and driver’s license number.

USAA’s customer service representatives will guide you through the process and provide you with the required forms or documentation. They may also ask for additional information to verify the driver’s status and eligibility for removal.

4. Complete the Required Forms

USAA will provide you with the necessary forms to remove a driver from your policy. These forms may vary depending on the reason for removal and your specific circumstances. Ensure that you fill out the forms accurately and provide all the requested information.

Some common information required on the forms may include:

  • Policyholder’s name and contact information
  • Driver’s name and contact information
  • Driver’s license number
  • Reason for driver removal
  • Effective date of driver removal

Double-check the forms for any errors or missing information before submitting them to USAA. This will help expedite the process and avoid any delays.

5. Submit the Forms

Once you have completed the required forms, submit them to USAA as instructed by their customer service representative. You can typically submit the forms online, by mail, or through the mobile app. Follow the provided instructions carefully to ensure your submission is successful.

6. Review Your Updated Policy

After submitting the forms, USAA will process your request and update your policy accordingly. It’s essential to review your updated policy to confirm that the driver has been successfully removed. Take note of any changes in your premium or coverage that may result from the driver’s removal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Will removing a driver from my USAA Auto Insurance policy affect my premium?

Yes, removing a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy can impact your premium. If the driver being removed had a poor driving record or multiple accidents, your premium may decrease. However, if the driver being removed was the primary policyholder or had a clean driving record, your premium may increase.

2. Can I remove a driver from my USAA Auto Insurance policy if they still live in my household?

Yes, you can remove a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy even if they still live in your household. However, it’s important to note that USAA may require additional documentation or information to verify the driver’s status and eligibility for removal.

3. How long does it take to remove a driver from my USAA Auto Insurance policy?

The time it takes to remove a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy can vary. It depends on factors such as the complexity of your request, the accuracy of the submitted forms, and USAA’s processing time. It’s recommended to contact USAA’s customer service for an estimated timeline.

4. Can I remove a driver from my USAA Auto Insurance policy mid-term?

Yes, you can remove a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy mid-term. However, keep in mind that any changes to your policy mid-term may result in adjustments to your premium and coverage. It’s advisable to contact USAA’s customer service to understand the potential impact of removing a driver mid-term.

5. Can I remove a driver from my USAA Auto Insurance policy if they have their own vehicle and insurance?

Yes, if a driver has purchased their own vehicle and insurance policy, you can remove them from your USAA Auto Insurance policy. It’s important to provide USAA with the necessary information and documentation to support the driver’s independent coverage.

6. Can I remove a driver from my USAA Auto Insurance policy if they are no longer licensed to drive?

Yes, you can remove a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy if they are no longer licensed to drive. USAA may require proof of the driver’s license status, such as a copy of their revoked or expired license, to process the removal.


Removing a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy is a straightforward process that involves assessing the reason for removal, reviewing your policy, contacting USAA customer service, completing the required forms, submitting the forms, and reviewing your updated policy. By following these steps and understanding the potential impact on your premium and coverage, you can successfully remove a driver from your USAA Auto Insurance policy. Remember to reach out to USAA’s customer service for any specific questions or concerns you may have.